Friday, 30 November 2012


                       Lion King Costumes

Costume for Scar,Mustafa's evil brother.
The costume is very assymetric which i think could suggest his both dangerous and comic personality. It is also very angular and has very proturding shapes which i think further suggest a dangerous side to the character, aswell as potentially being a metaphor for the bony silhouette of a  predator on the prowl for prey, with the long slow movements.I like the authenticity of the costume, with very rich orange and brown colours suggesting a african tribe scheme to the costume.Moreover i lke thr orginiality and modern twist of the costumes, through using masks to portray an animal rather than using furs and obvious animal assosiated shapes and designs.Designed by Julia Taymor.


                               Costume for sarabi, Mustafas mate and simba's mother.
It is evident, in contrast to scar's costume that the much freer fabric suggests a much carmer and kinder nature to this character.Again it is authenthic, using african/asian style clothes to create a elegant costume to fit the character. Moreover i like that the fabric will exagerate movements on stage rather than onbstructing them.
                                                    Designed by Julia Taymor

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