Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Fine Art Questions(1)

Sensation Exhibition

Sensation was an exhibition created form the collection from many young British artists such as damien Hirst,Jenny Saviile,Ron Mueck,Chris Ofilli and Marcus Harvey.It was at the royal academy in london and went on to tour i newyork and Berlin.It created contraversy due to the inclusion of work from Marcus Harvey of the Myra Hindley painting, and chris Ofilli's Virgin Mary piece.Overall the exhibition was very contraversail as it included works that got a reaction, i.e a sensation.Work From Jenny Saville and John Mueck fascinates me: Jennys presentation of women as a piece of meat is very obscure and grotesque, but allows you to think about peopes views and opinions of women. It is honest it shows a reality in some ways, which is also in contrast to the lovely warm colours that she tends to use.I also like Ron muecks work
work due to the simplicity yet strength of his work. His orientation is nude human bodies, which create a vunerability and honesty to his work.

In England the contravsery lay with myra Hindley, with the painintng being attacked twice, due to the public view on myra Hindley at that time. It was also contravsersial because Royal academy was a very traditional andbased on realistic painitng as apposed to the modern works of these artists.In new York it was much more based on chris ofilis work of the virigin mary,in the style of an africian lady,accessorised with elephant dung, creating a contraversal religious stance.

Myra Hindley, by Marcus Harvey

The Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Ofilli

Bauhaus and black Mountain College

Both bauhuas and black mountain college ere very important in shaping modern art. Bauhuas was very based on experimentation in stages to become an architect with work based on furniture and architecture aswell as product design. Whearas the black mountain college was based on experimentation and developing the students in many ways, through the development of self discipline and the self passion to learn about art and design.

NVA and YesYesNo-collaboration groups

YesYesNo are a new interactive collective group that focus their work on installations that create interaction and combine artistic vision and experimentation.YesYesNo light exhibition was a projection onto a building(Auckland Ferry Building) with the idea that the projection became a method of allowing the audience to interactive with the piece as apposed to it being a simple projection.With the use of body movement, hand movement and phone interactions to accompany the exhibition.

Nva are a scottish arts charity, whos work is based on making strong public art, which presents the complex qualities of that specific location, through collective action from various artists.Their practise is based on redefining urban and rural landscapes, by wanting to uncover the complex underlying realities, an example being how places shape and are shaped by their inhabittants.Nva are recently done a light installation called the speed of light in Yokohoma Japan.Nva created a moving nightscape in an urban environment over two nights of a sustainabilty and energy saving technology festival.

I think it would be very interesting to work as part of a corsortium as ideas woud be strengthehed due t different opinions of peoples and the final outcome would be an illimination of all the weak ideas and techniques,with all the best pieces of the work presented. It could also challenge my own usual method of working.

Fiona Rae,Howard Hodgkin,Gary Hume,George Shaw,Dexter Dalwood,Tamma Abts ,Chris Ofilli and Sean Scully

All of the above artists work with colours a focul area of their work, either through the use of very similsriy rich colours such as Sean Scully or contrasting bright colours like that of Gary hume. The main representation of their work is colour due to their interests. My favourite would be Gary Hume as he has used colour in a simplistic yet strong way due to the contrast of bold colours and minimal detail, unlike that of Fiona Rae's.

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