Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Quentin Tarrantino

Having recently seen the new Tarrantino film, Django Unchained,i struck up an interest in researching his method of work.

I have never previously had much interest in Tarrantino films, until seeing this one. It was insightful as i enjoyed it much more than expected, and the costumes caught my attension more than i expected also.After research into reviews, it has been said that it is one of Tarrantinos best films yet, and it was a long overdue attempt at a spaghetti western film.However i dont think it can be said that its most famous feature in being a tarrantino film is the costume, but instead the comical voilent nature of the film.

Django was set prior to the Civil war, and has context of slavery, which is bluntly and heavily portrayed within the film.Some would say that it is insensitivie but others would say that at no point it becomes an overwhelming feature of the film,but instead becomes a background feature to a comical western in the style of tarrantino.

After watching Django, i decided to watch another, Inglorious Basterds. And again i was suprised to be so interested in the context of the film, the costume work and the historical references within the film.What i like most about the film is the contrast between national army uniforms, next to the glamourous gowns worn by the female roles. 

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