Friday, 14 December 2012

The Metropolitan museum of art: The Costume Instituite

The Costume Institute

Houses a collection of over thirty-five thousand costumes,from across the world, from of period of seven centuries. It is not shown permantely due to the delicate nature of the fabrics, but instead exhibitions are held at different stages through the year.

As the website describes, the costume institute began as an indepedent entity, called the museum of Costume Art, 1937.Due to the financial support of the fashion industry in 1946,the Museum of Costume Art merged with The Metropolitan Museum of Arts, and in 1959 became a curatorial department.

The fashion industry is behind alot of the support and fund-raising for the Institutes exhbitions. An example being the Gala Benefit, the primary fundraising event for the Institute.And has now created the Friends of the Costume Institute, a group that supports the Institutes,programs, exhibitions etc,encouraging fashion as an art form.

It houses work from the likes off: Valentio;the house of Givenchy;Issey Miyake and yohji Yamamoto.

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