Sunday, 23 September 2012

Graphics Review


Week Two: Graphics
This week we covered the question of what graphics can involve and i was supirsed to see how much scope there is within graphics and how fine art based it can be if that designer desires it to be so.
I found this week very interesting for different reasons, one being that i was inspired by many of the comtempory designers that are producing work,partically black and white colour palettes aswell as being able to see the transaction of graphic change through the years, the coke advertising being an example. It is such a divererse area of art which i like, because i feel it would allow me to really explore the use of typography to portray a message. 

I began the week believing that graphics was not going to be enjoyable and that it would be scale driven drawing exercises, which infact was the opposite: i was given the task of writing with my left hand aswell as scripting with a stick and ink,infact quite the opposite to my expectations.

We were also given an example design process that a graphic designer would have to go through to create a draft for a deadline, which was useful as it allowed us to see graphics from a employment perspective and how graphics can be used as a means of money and work as appose to educational projects and for own enjoyment of designing.

Overall i thought this week was very interesting and i would definately consider graphics as an option to specialise,however i feel i would have to further explore the concept of composition within a poster and the mimic and developement of typography.

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